Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Giving Thanks

MY MILLION THANKS laughter...4-year-old humor...billable pregnancies...super-fast labor and delivery...6-year-maternity years teachers...moms who are my friends...friends who aren't who changes diapers...working from home...doctors...breastfeeding...spas...daily routines...evening surprises from husband...settlement checks in the mail...validation...anonymity...slow teeth...not getting sick when kids were sick...consecutive 2-hour sleep periods...foot experiences...good clients...bad Judges...generous mentors...loyal friends...a bit of sadness now and then...not getting hurt in my Ides of March car accident...Lunch Bunch...Webby Dance...Adia's teachers...Raya's out of control hair...parents moving to Los Angeles...

There is just so much to be thankful for this year.  Last year, at this exact time, I was 38 weeks pregnant with my baby Raya...who is almost 1 year-old today.  Last year, she was just a notion.  Today, she is a toddler who steals my breath when she smiles and laughs.  Last year, Adia was a 3 year old, just starting preschool.  This year, she is a big sister ready for Kindergarten, doing simple math and teaching me new words.

Last year, at this time, I was having doubts about being able to take 6 months off of work, and really struggling with loss of control over my law practice.  Today, I am excited to be able to take the next 2 years off to continue to raise my baby girls, and to slowly go back to work, for my comeback as a power attorney in 2015.

I have struggled with a lot of things this year - post-partum, massive exhaustion, loss of identity...but all of that is overpowered by the absolute joy and pride I have for being a stay-at-home mother.  I never thought I would have the strength or stamina to be able to do it, but I did it!!!

I am also thankful that I have had quiet moments this year.  It hasn't been a year of accomplishments, or international trips.  It has just been a year of staying home and taking care of my children.  I found there were more memories and beauty in staying at home.  Though at times I felt like I was going batty, I know that I will never love anything more in the future than these few years at home.  I am so, so grateful for my healthy and beautiful children.

I hope each and every one of you take the time to really reflect on the past year. Give thanks - there is just so much to be thankful for.  xoxo